
Update to security... I ordered the following and meet with Caesar so we can put this up for our mail security... This unit will go up in a place where we can see who comes to the mail boxes and we record it automatically... We should have the other mail box unit moved Wednesday this week.... More to come.

Welcome to the Desert Beach Salton Sea BLOG!

Desert Beach Salton Sea Welcome everyone to our beautiful desert beach! This blog will be a place that you can come to see, input your email so you can stay informed on any new blog posts and so much more! We are going to use this as a way to communicate to our community.  We will have notifications, news, crime news, HOA news, and also a for sale section. Peter Brusso (me) will be keeping the blog up to date so if you have any news or things for sale plus any services you offer... let me know at and I will get that posted on the blog. First of all we had a great OHA meeting Feb 17th where we wanted this blog to happen, and it did. We also have moved the mail boxes to in front of Peter Brusso's house so we can stop the break ins. We also now have 24/7 video surveillance on the boxes plus we found a way to monitor the trash bins too.  So we are making a big effort to protect our compound here via web based surveillance going directly to Peter's hous